Day-to-day Management

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Find out the best solutions to manage your day-to-day finances.

Current Account

Your current account is the operational basis for your entire relationship with the Bank, comprising all your funds and liabilities.
At the same time you can perform all banking transactions, whether on a regular or one-off basis, and also request cheques, foreign currency, and credit and debit cards.

Complementary Services

Tax Information

Taking into account your global financial and assets situation and resorting to specialised external consultants whenever necessary, we are prepared to:

  • Provide up-to-date information on the taxation of income from investments on domestic and foreign assets;
  • Advise on and explain investment options in domestic and foreign assets;
  • Provide the bank statements (mandatory and others) required to prepare your annual income tax return;
  • Provide up-to-date information on the International Double Taxation Agreements entered into by Portugal and how they apply to investments made abroad.

Estate Planning

  • We provide tangible personalised information in the integrated statement, profitability analyses and portfolio exposure analyses;
  • We assist you to design and put into practice an estate structuring strategy viewing the preservation of your assets, for immediate or future implementation;
  • We provide you with the necessary statements to prepare the settlement process of inheritance and gift tax.

Reports and Publications

You will receive on a regular basis detailed information about the composition and historical profitability of your investments, which you may discuss with your Financial Advisor:

  • Prospects: quarterly publication on the expected evolution of the world financial markets, exclusive to BPI Private;
  • Taxation: an overview of the current tax regime, addressing the main implications for private banking clients;
  • Outlook: annual publication that presents, at the start of each new year, a summary of the main current and expected challenges faced by the world financial markets and economies.
  • Research BPI: regular and special analyses on specific financial markets, industry sectors and companies, both domestic and foreign, with BPI's recognised quality.

In addition, BPI Private also provides its clients with e-mail access to analyses and regular information on the financial markets' main events and developments.

Business Advisory

As an entrepreneur, your Financial Advisor will give you access to the know-how and experience of Banco Português de Investimento's Project and Corporate Finance teams, who will support you in matters such as the development of your business, the financing of a specific project of your company, or your company's listing in the stock market.