Complaints, Claims and Alternative
Dispute Resolution

Complaints and Claims

The Bank has a team specialised in dealing with complaints and claims. These can be submitted:

  • To BPI, by any of the following means:

    a) at any BPI branch or service location

    b) by e-mail to

    c) Online form

    By filling in an online form available in each of the BPI Group websites

    Fill in Online Form

    d) by letter addressed to Banco BPI - Complaints Area, Apartado 2231, 1106 - 805 Lisboa, Portugal

    e) Using the Complaints Book, which is also available at all BPI Group service locations;
  •  To Bank of Portugal, at the following postal address: Banco de Portugal, Apartado 2240, 1106-001 Lisboa, or by e-mail, by filling in the form available at, if it concerns the marketing of products and/or the provision of services subject to the supervision of this entity.
  • To the Portuguese Securities Market Commission, addressed to the Investor Assistance Office, at the following postal address: Rua Laura Alves, 4 - 1064 - 003 Lisboa; or via website, if it concerns the marketing of products and/or the provision of services subject to the supervision of this entity.
  • To the ASF, at the following postal address: Avenida da Republica, 76 - 1600 - 205 Lisboa, or through the Consumer Portal, by filling in the form available at
    if it concerns the marketing of products and/or the provision of services subject to the supervision of this entity.
  • To the Credit Intermediary, at the following postal address: Apartado 21004, 1126-001 Lisboa or by e-mail to
  • To the National Data Protection Commission, for complaints and claims relating to data protection, at the following postal address: Av. Dom Carlos I 134 - 1 º, 1200-651 Lisboa or by e-mail to

Complaints and claims relating to the execution, non-execution or errors in execution of any order or instruction conveyed under contracts concluded with the Bank, except those relating to payment services, must be submitted within a maximum of 15 (fifteen) days of the date on which they were made, otherwise their execution shall be deemed to have been definitively approved and accepted in the terms executed.

Out-of-court dispute settlement

To ensure the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes where the amount involved is less than the jurisdiction of the court of first instance (except for mortgage loans and consumer credit agreements where the amount involved is unlimited), the Bank guarantees that the Client will be able to have recourse to the following alternative dispute resolution bodies:
Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre

(; and
Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre (
In the event of consumer disputes with a value lower than the jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance arising from contracts concluded online (except for consumer credit agreements, which have no value limit), the holder may have recourse to the above-mentioned entites  through the online dispute resolution system accessible via the online dispute resolution platform (RLL platform). For further information, please consult the RLL platform and, if you wish to access it, use the registration form on the website, specifying the following BPI email address for all purposes:

Alternatively, if the consumer dispute is cross-border and the amount in dispute is less than the jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance (except for mortgage loans and consumer credit agreements, for which there is no limit), the Holder may have recourse to the Lisbon Consumer Dispute Resolution Centre ( through the network of national bodies competent to settle out-of-court consumer complaints in the field of financial services (FIN-NET network). The resolution of consumer disputes relating to financial services by other FIN-NET Network members is subject to the Bank's consent. For further information, please visit the FIN-NET network website at

The filing of a claim or complaint to BPI or the Regulatory Authorities does not in any way limit the right to submit it to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) bodies or to take legal action.
BPI accepts recourse to ADR mechanisms, provided that the dispute relates to financial intermediation activities and the amount in dispute does not exceed €15,000, if the claim of the Client (as a retail investor) has not been satisfied in a previous complaint to BPI and the CMVM. In these cases, you may recourse to the Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre (CICAP), the Lisbon Consumer Arbitration Centre (CACCL), the Coimbra Region Consumer Arbitration Centre (CACRC), the Consumer Arbitration Centre of Ave, Tâmega and Sousa (TRIAVE), or the Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Centre (CIAB), or the Algarve Information, Mediation and Arbitration Centre (CIMAAL), or the National Centre for Information and Arbitration in Consumer Disputes (CNIACC). For further information, visit the CMVM website at and the Consumer Portal at (