Open an account in BPI


Free transfers

SEPA+, national and European, non-instant transfers, executed on BPI App, BPI Net or by phone without an operator.

Free cards

Don't pay for your cards. You can have 2 debit and 2 credit cards.

Authorised account overdraft

Access to an authorised overdraft of up to 100% of the amount of the domiciled net salary (APR 18,55%)1.

Open your account with Digital Mobile Key

Now it's even more convenient, simple, and fast to open a BPI account remotely (from your computer or smartphone) in a 100% digital experience. You can also open an account online using the BPI App.

  • Authenticate with the Digital Mobile Key (means of authentication and digital signature certified by the Portuguese State).
  • Validate your data.
  • Check the documents sent by email.

That's it! You can start using your new BPI Account.

Abrir Conta no BPI App com Chave Móvel Digital
Video showing how to open an Online Account with Digital Mobile Key for Individual Clients. Please consult the full documentation.

Conditions for opening an account with Digital Mobile Key

  • Being over 18 and having a Digital Mobile Key.
  • Having permanent residence in Portugal and no double citizenship (or tax residence in another country).
  • The holder must be the beneficial owner of the account.
  • The holder can’t be a politically exposed person or hold public office nor have close relatives who hold or have held such an office.

Opening an account at a Branch

To open an account at a BPI branch, all you need is your Citizen's Card and a payslip, and some details will be filled in automatically. If you don't have your Citizen's Card PIN, you'll need to bring proof of address. Then just fill in the missing information, sign it and you're done!

This does not replace consultation of the attached table of documents required to open an account.



Access to an authorised overdraft of up to 100% of the value of the domiciled net salary, subject to Bank acceptance and the conclusion of an overdraft facility credit agreement. Once the overdraft facility has been granted, you will have a credit, in the form of an authorised overdraft, up to the maximum limit defined by the Bank, which can never exceed the amount of your salary or pension and which can be used through overdraft operations, with the means of payment made available by the Bank and/or through the fulfilment of transfer/payment orders, permanent or one-off. APR calculated for a credit usage of EUR 1,500, for a term of 3 months and an Annual nominal interest rate of 13,90%, including the legal taxes in force. Attribution of overdraft facility subject to BPI approval.