BPI Valor+ Account

The account that makes (even more) the difference

Free transfers

Pay nothing for transfers on digital channels (Instant and SEPA+)

Free cards

No charge for your cards. You get 4 credit cards and 2 debit cards

Free additional account

An associated current account with no account maintenance fee

No commission

No deposit or securities registration fees

Keep expenses to the minimum

The package account1 that suits you and your day. The BPI Valor+ Account that gives you access to exclusive products and services. 

To open an account, you need a minimum of €100. Then everything is tailored to you. If you automatically domicile your salary or pension, or have €10,000 in investment solutions, you pay €8.99 per month. If not, you pay €12.99 per month2

Products and ServicesClient with BPI Valor+ AccountClient without BPI Valor Account
Package account maintenance fee€ 8,99 / month€ 16,25 / quarter*
Provision fee for 2 debit cards (BPI Electron)4Free€ 40 / year
Provision fee for 4 credit cards (BPI Card)5Free€ 40 / year
2 SEPA+ transfers per month **Free (unlimited)3€ 24 / year
2 Imediat transfers per month **Free (unlimited)3€ 48 / year
Additional account maintenance feeExempt: 1 BPI6 Current Account (account without associated service package)
The following at € 3/quarter and per account
€ 16,25 / quarter by additional account*
Total per year€ 107 ( with automatically domicile salary or pension or have >=€10,000 in investment solutions - € 8,99 per month€ 282




1 € 8.99 + Stamp Duty/month corresponds to the amount of the maintenance fee for a package account with automatic domiciliation of salary (>= €500/month) /pension or NUC* Financial Applications >= € 10,000. The package account maintenance fee without automatic salary domiciliation or without NUC* Financial Applications >= €10,000 is €12.99/month + Stamp Duty.
*Unique Account Number
2 The package account maintenance fee with automatic salary domiciliation ( >= €500/month DAO) or NUC Financial Applications >= €10,000 is just €8.99 + Stamp Duty/month. Only interbank electronic transfers of the type SALA/08Ordenados (>= €500/month), PENS/11-Pensões or salary received through Payment Orders Received (>= €500/month OPR) from abroad on a regular (monthly) basis are considered automatic domiciliation of salary or pension (DAO). The following are considered Financial Applications: Treasury Bills + Funds (including Pension Savings Schemes) + Capitalisation Insurance + Securities, valued at the end of the month. To calculate the maintenance fee for the Conta Valor BPI package account, in addition to the Financial Investments of the NUC to which the Account is associated, the Financial Investments of the NUC to which the non-independent Investment Advice Service is associated are also accounted for. The package account maintenance fee without automatic salary domiciliation or without NUC Financial Applications >= €10,000 is €12.99/month + Stamp Duty.
3 National and European instant and SEPA+ transfers, made on mobile devices (BPI App), online (BPI Net) or by telephone without an operator.
4 2 BPI Eletron Debit Cards for different cardholders and free provision fee.
5 2 Credit Cards (BPI Classic Card) available for the same Card Account with a free provision fee (maximum of 4 cards in 2 different card accounts). The APR is calculated for an example of a loan of EUR 1,500, with a nominal annual rate of 8.5%, provision fee (€ 20 + Stamp Duty) and a repayment term of 12 months. The interest rate is calculated on a 360-day basis, without rounding. Credit card provision subject to approval by BPI.
6 Exemption from the account maintenance fee for the oldest BPI Euro Current Account (account without associated services package) in the NUC. The remaining NUC BPI Euro Current Accounts (account without associated service package) will be charged an account maintenance fee of €3/per quarter and per account.
7 Access to an authorised overdraft of up to 100% of the value of the domiciled net salary, subject to acceptance by the Bank and the conclusion of an overdraft facility credit agreement. Once the overdraft facility has been granted, you will have a credit, in the form of an authorised overdraft, up to the maximum limit defined by the Bank, which can never exceed the amount of your salary or pension and which can be used through overdraft operations, with the means of payment made available by the Bank and/or through the fulfilment of transfer/payment orders, permanent or one-off. APR calculated for a credit usage of EUR 1,500, for a term of 3 months and an Annual nominal interest rate of 11.8%, including the legal taxes in force. Overdraft facility subject to BPI approval.
For any example of a maximum amount of overdraft facility contracted and/or contract duration, the APR of 14.89% remains unchanged. For Clients who are Self-employed Entrepreneurs, Liberal Professions or Retired, the indicated APR also includes Stamp Duty on the Use of Credit, amounting to 0.141% of the amount used. On the amount of credit used in the form of an authorised overdraft, the Bank will charge interest, calculated on a day-to-day basis, at the Annual nominal interest rate of 11.8%. Stamp Duty of 4% is added to the interest charged. This interest will always be debited with reference to the last day of the month to which it relates. Repayment of credit used in the form of an authorised overdraft is made monthly, for the amount owed (including principal and interest) on the day the salary (or pension) is credited, and the Bank is authorised to debit this account with the amount of credit used each month and the respective interest (Calculation basis: Current/360 days).
This information is for advertising purposes only and is provided by Banco BPI, S.A. It does not exempt the consultation of the contractual and pre-contractual information required by law.
Issuer of debit and credit cards: Issuer and Lender of credit cards: CaixaBank Payments & Consumer, E.F.C., E.P., S.A.U. Registered Office: Calle Caleruega 102, 28033 Madrid - Spain, with Tax Identification Number A08980153, registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, volume 36556, folio 29, sheet M-656492.
Agent in Portugal for the issuer (CaixaBank Payments & Consumer), which acts as a tied credit intermediary on an exclusive basis (entity registered with the Bank of Portugal under number 10): Banco BPI, S.A., Registered Office: Avenida da Boavista, 1117 - 4100-129 Porto, Share Capital € 1,293,063,324.98, registered with the Commercial Registry Office of Porto (CRCP) under registration number PTIRNMJ 501 214 534 and tax identification number 501 214 534.