(1) BPI Fixed Rate Mortgage. Amounts without optional associated sales: Base APR: 4,9% and Base Total amount payable by the consumer of € 282.968,16. Fixed base Annual nominal interest rate of 4,150%, 360 monthly instalments of € 729,15, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 634,35. Amounts with optional associated sales: Contracted APR: 4,1% and Contracted Total amount payable by the consumer of € 259.385,74. Fixed contracted Annual nominal interest rate of 3,400%, 360 monthly instalments of € 665,22, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 615,47. This requires the following conditions: Life Insurance and Multi-risk Insurance associated with the Mortgage and commercialised by BPI* and one of the following: A+, A, B energy certificate or BPI Package Account for personal use with Automatic Salary Domiciliation (not applicable to the SMB Account or Base Account). Amounts calculated in march 2025. It requires 2 applicants aged 30, who already hold a BPI Package Account (account maintenance fee not included in the APR), for a loan of € 150.000,00 taken out at BPI, by means of an Authenticated Private Document, with a 70% financing guarantee, with a fixed-rate mortgage for a period of 30 years. Except for situations provided for by law, early repayments are subject to a fee of 2% of the capital being repaid increased by stamp duty. Campaign valid for applications submitted from January 1, 2025, and approved until March 31, 2025, and signed until June 30, 2025, at BPI.
(2) BPI Mixed Rate Mortgage - 3 years. Amounts without optional associated sales: Base APR: 4,6% and Base Total amount payable by the consumer of € 274.410,90. Fixed base Annual nominal interest rate of 3,550%, during the first 3 years of the loan and Variable base Annual nominal interest rate of 3,960% (calculated as the arithmetic average of the 6-month Euribor for february 2025, rounded to the thousandth and a spread of 1,5%), for the remaining period, 36 monthly instalments of € 677,76 and 324 monthly instalments of € 709,80,average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 627,94. Amounts with optional associated sales: Contracted APR: 3,8% and Contracted Total amount payable by the consumer of € 251.169,02. Fixed contracted Annual nominal interest rate of 2,800%, during the first 3 years of the loan and Variable contracted Annual nominal interest rate of 3,210% (calculated as the arithmetic average of the 6-month Euribor for february 2025, rounded to the thousandth and a spread of 0,75%), for the remaining period, 36 monthly instalments of € 616,34 and 324 monthly instalments of € 646,65, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 608,96. This requires the following conditions: Life Insurance and Multi-risk Insurance associated with the Mortgage and commercialised by BPI* and one of the following: A+, A, B energy certificate or BPI Package Account for personal use with Automatic Salary Domiciliation (not applicable to the SMB Account or Base Account). Amounts calculated in march 2025. It requires 2 applicants aged 30, who already hold a BPI Package Account (account maintenance fee not included in the APR), for a loan of € 150.000,00, taken out at BPI, by means of an Authenticated Private Document, with a 70% financing guarantee, with a mixed rate mortgage for a period of 30 years. The interest rate applied to the purchase and construction of permanent, secondary, or rental housing may be negative depending on the performance of the relevant index. Except for situations provided for by law, early repayments are subject to a fee of 2%, in the Fixed Rate option and de 0.50% in the Variable Rate option, of the capital being repaid increased by stamp duty. Campaign valid for applications submitted from January 1, 2025, and approved until March 31, 2025, and signed until June 30, 2025, at BPI.
(3) Includes administrative fee (€ 290,00), valuation (€ 230,00) and draft preparation (€ 190,00). The cost of the Casa Pronta Service (€ 751,00) or the Authenticated Private Document (up to a maximum of € 978,55), will also be reimbursed, depending on the option chosen by the Client. If you opt for the Authenticated Private Document, the amount of the exemption/reimbursement is € 1.716,95 (including stamp duty). All refunds occur after the deed.
(4) BPI Variable Rate Mortgage. Amounts without optional associated sales: Base APR: 4,7% and Base Total amount payable by the consumer of € 275.507,57. Variable base Annual nominal interest rate of 3,960% (calculated as the arithmetic average of the 6-month Euribor for february 2025, rounded to the thousandth and a spread of 1,5%), 360 monthly instalments of € 712,67, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 567,06. Amounts with optional associated sales: Contracted APR: 4,0% and Contracted Total amount payable by the consumer of € 254.327,98. Variable contracted Annual nominal interest rate of 3,210% (calculated as the arithmetic average of the 6-month Euribor for february 2025, rounded to the thousandth and a spread of 0,75%), 360 monthly instalments of € 649,52, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 610,68. This requires the following conditions: Life Insurance and Multi-risk Insurance associated with the Mortgage and commercialised by BPI* and one of the following: A+, A, B energy certificate or BPI Package Account for personal use with Automatic Salary Domiciliation (not applicable to the SMB Account or Base Account). Amounts calculated in march 2025. It requires 2 applicants aged 30, who already hold a BPI Package Account (account maintenance fee not included in the APR), for a loan of € 150.000,00 taken out at BPI, by means of an Authenticated Private Document, with a 70% financing guarantee, initial fees, and expenses of € 1.890,18, with a variable rate mortgage for a period of 30 years. The interest rate applied to the purchase and construction of permanent, secondary, or rental housing may be negative depending on the performance of the relevant index. Except for situations provided for by law, early repayments are subject to a fee of 0,50% of the capital being repaid increased by stamp duty.
(5) BPI Fixed Rate Mortgage for Non-Resident Foreigners. Amounts without optional associated sales: Base APR: 4,9% and Base Total amount payable by the consumer of € 282.968,16. Fixed base Annual nominal interest rate of 4,150%, 360 monthly instalments of € 729,15, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 634,35. Amounts with optional associated sales: Contracted APR: 4,3% and Contracted Total amount payable by the consumer of € 261.343,56. Fixed contracted Annual nominal interest rate of 3,400%, 360 monthly instalments of € 665,22, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 615,47. This requires the following conditions: Multi-risk Insurance associated with the Mortgage and commercialised by BPI*, BPI Package Account for personal use with Automatic Salary Domiciliation (not applicable to the SMB Account or Base Account), Energy certificate of the property pledged as collateral for the loan with an A+, A or B rating and BPI loan solution for the purchase of a Securitas Direct Alarm - Home Solution through BPI. Amounts calculated in march 2025. It requires 2 applicants aged 30, who already hold a BPI Package Account (account maintenance fee not included in the APR), for a loan of € 150.000,00 taken out at BPI, by means of an Authenticated Private Document, with a 70% financing guarantee, with a fixed-rate mortgage for a period of 30 years. Except for situations provided for by law, Early repayments are subject to a fee of 2% of the capital being repaid increased by stamp duty. Campaign valid for applications submitted from January 1, 2025, and approved until March 31, 2025, and signed until June 30, 2025, at BPI.
(6) BPI Mixed Rate Mortgage - 3 years for Non-Resident Foreigners. Amounts without optional associated sales: Base APR: 4,6% and Base Total amount payable by the consumer of € 274.410,90. Fixed base Annual nominal interest rate of 3,550%, during the first 3 years of the loan and Variable base Annual nominal interest rate of 3,960% (calculated as the arithmetic average of the 6-month Euribor for february 2025, rounded to the thousandth and a spread of 1,5%), for the remaining period, 36 monthly instalments of € 677,76 and 324 monthly instalments of € 709,80,average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 627,94. Amounts with optional associated sales: Contracted APR: 3,9% and Contracted Total amount payable by the consumer of € 253.126,84. Fixed contracted Annual nominal interest rate of 2,800%, during the first 3 years of the loan and Variable contracted Annual nominal interest rate of 3,210% (calculated as the arithmetic average of the 6-month Euribor for february 2025, rounded to the thousandth and a spread of 0,75%), for the remaining period, 36 monthly instalments of € 616,34 and 324 monthly instalments of € 646,65, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 608,96. This requires the following conditions: Multi-risk Insurance associated with the Mortgage and commercialised by BPI*, BPI Package Account for personal use with Automatic Salary Domiciliation (not applicable to the SMB Account or Base Account), Energy certificate of the property pledged as collateral for the loan with an A+, A or B rating and BPI loan solution for the purchase of a Securitas Direct Alarm - Home Solution through BPI. Amounts calculated in march 2025. It requires 2 applicants aged 30, who already hold a BPI Package Account (account maintenance fee not included in the APR), for a loan of € 150.000,00 taken out at BPI, by means of an Authenticated Private Document, with a 70% financing guarantee, with a mixed rate mortgage for a period of 30 years. The interest rate applied to the purchase and construction of permanent, secondary, or rental housing may be negative depending on the performance of the relevant index. Except for situations provided for by law, early repayments are subject to a fee of 2%, in the Fixed Rate option and de 0,50% in the Variable Rate option, of the capital being repaid increased by stamp duty. Campaign valid for applications submitted from January 1, 2025, and approved until March 31, 2025, and signed until June 30, 2025, at BPI.
(7) Includes administrative fee ENR (€ 465,00), valuation (€ 230,00) and draft preparation (€ 190,00). The cost of the Casa Pronta Service (€ 751,00) or the Authenticated Private Document (up to a maximum of € 978,55), will also be reimbursed, depending on the option chosen by the Client. If you opt for the Authenticated Private Document, the amount of the exemption/reimbursement is € 1.898,95 (including stamp duty). All refunds occur after the deed.
(8) BPI Variable Rate Mortgage for Non-Resident Foreigners. Amounts without optional associated sales: Base APR: 4,8% and Base Total amount payable by the consumer of € 277.565,17. Variable base Annual nominal interest rate of 3,960% (calculated as the arithmetic average of the 6-month Euribor for february 2025, rounded to the thousandth and a spread of 1,5%), 360 monthly instalments of € 712,67, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 629,58. Amounts with optional associated sales: Contracted APR: 4,1% and Contracted Total amount payable by the consumer of € 256.222,80. Variable contracted Annual nominal interest rate of 3,210% (calculated as the arithmetic average of the 6-month Euribor for february 2025, rounded to the thousandth and a spread of 0,75%), 360 monthly instalments of € 649,52, average annual life and multi-risk insurance premium of € 610,68. This requires the following conditions: Multi-risk Insurance associated with the Mortgage and commercialised by BPI*, BPI Package Account for personal use with Automatic Salary Domiciliation (not applicable to the SMB Account or Base Account), Energy certificate of the property pledged as collateral for the loan with an A+, A or B rating and BPI loan solution for the purchase of a Securitas Direct Alarm - Home Solution through BPI. Amounts calculated in march 2025. It requires 2 applicants aged 30, who already hold a BPI Package Account (account maintenance fee not included in the APR), for a loan of € 150.000,00 taken out at BPI, by means of an Authenticated Private Document, with a 70% financing guarantee, initial fees, and expenses of € 2.072,18, with a variable rate mortgage for a period of 30 years. The interest rate applied to the purchase and construction of permanent, secondary, or rental housing may be negative depending on the performance of the relevant index. Except for situations provided for by law, early repayments are subject to a fee of 0,50% of the capital being repaid increased by stamp duty.
It is not a contractual offer and does not exempt the consultation of the contractual and pre-contractual information required by law, which may be obtained from BPI. Contracts subject to prior approval by the entities involved and an assessment of the solvency of those involved in the operation.
As Insurance Agent, BPI does not assume any responsibility for covering risks inherent to the insurance contract, which are assumed by the Insurers.
This information is for advertising purposes only. These insurances are products of BPI Vida e Pensões - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. or Companhia de Seguros Allianz Portugal, S.A., marketed by Banco BPI, S.A., with registered office at Avenida da Boavista, 1117 - 4100-129 Porto, as Insurance Agent no. 419527591, registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority on 2019/01/21, and authorised to carry on business in the Life and Non-Life Insurance Lines. Banco BPI, S.A. has shareholdings of more than 10% in Companhia de Seguros Allianz Portugal, S.A and COSEC - Companhia de Seguros de Créditos, S.A. Caixabank, S.A. owns 100% of Banco BPI, S.A. and indirectly 100% of BPI Vida e Pensões - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. Additional information on registration is available at www.asf.com.pt. Banco BPI, S.A. has a contractual obligation to carry out insurance mediation activities exclusively for one or more insurance companies and is compensated, by way of fixed fee, with part of the insurance premium and variable fee depending on its overall performance. In its capacity as Insurance Agent, Banco BPI, S.A. does not advise its clients on insurance from BPI Vida e Pensões - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. or Companhia de Seguros Allianz Portugal, S.A. During the contract preparation process, it merely provides the interested parties with objective information on the covers presented, thus promoting an informed decision by the client. BPI assumes no responsibility for covering the risks inherent in the insurance contract, does not act in the name or on behalf of the Insurers and is not authorised to receive premiums or conclude contracts in the name of BPI Vida e Pensões - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. or Companhia de Seguros Allianz Portugal, S.A. Its intervention ends with the conclusion of the insurance contract. The client has the right to request information on the name of the insurance company or companies with which Banco BPI, S.A. collaborates, relevant to the requirements and needs presented and on the remuneration the intermediary will receive for providing the mediation service. No other insurance intermediaries are involved in this contract. Claims against Banco BPI, S.A. may be submitted to the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority. Without prejudice to the possibility of resorting to the courts, in the event of a dispute arising from the insurance mediation activity carried out in Portuguese territory, clients may resort to out-of-court dispute resolution bodies that may be set up for this purpose. All insurance information can be obtained from Premier branches and centres, www.bancobpi.pt or by using the following contact details: 217 207 703 (National landline call, personalised service on business days from 9am to 10pm).