Daily Report

12 de Junho de 2024
Financial Markets | daily report 12.06.2024

Investor sentiment was mixed on Thursday. In the eurozone, political uncertainty following the upcoming snap elections
in France, with Moody's even issuing a credit rating warning on the country, weighed on equities, with French banks
suffering the most.

Eurozone government bond yields ended the day lower after a choppy session and despite further hawkish comments
from some ECB officials, who stressed that the bank should wait before cutting rates again.

In the US, Treasury yields fell and stocks rose ahead of today's CPI report and the Fed's rate decision, with investors
currently pricing in only one full cut of -25bps in 2024.

Against this backdrop, the USD hit a four-week high, while the Euro was weakened by the aforementioned political
uncertainty depreciating against all of its major peers.