Daily Report

18 de Junho de 2024
Financial Markets | daily report 18.06.2024
  • The week started on a mixed note for financial markets. Eurozone government bond yields rose across the board, with peripheral spreads narrowing in stark contrast to French spreads, which widened again. However, equity performance was more mixed across the region, with French indices rising on comments from Le Pen's party on their respect for institutions.
  • In the US, Treasury yields also rose on comments from Fed officials suggesting only one rate cut by the end of 2024 and after a better-than-expected manufacturing survey. US equities also rose, with the S&P500 hitting new highs on the back of a strong performance from technology companies.
  • On the currency front, the euro regained some ground and strengthened against its major rivals, particularly the dollar. In the commodities market, oil prices rose as investors became more optimistic about the outlook for global demand, while the price of the European natural gas benchmark, TTF, fell on the back of a high level of reserves.