Daily Report

19 de Junho de 2024
Financial Markets | daily report 19.06.2024
  • Tuesday saw a risk-on mood in financial markets. In the US, retail sales data for May barely grew and showed a weaker than expected consumer, supporting hopes for interest rate cuts this year. Fed officials commenting during the day also highlighted good progress on disinflation, pushing Treasury yields lower and equities slightly higher.
  • In the eurozone, despite some macro data pointing to German weakness (the ZEW business confidence index for June came in below expectations and construction data for April showed a prolonged contraction), major equity indices rebounded from previous sessions. Government bond yields fell, with peripheral spreads, including those of France, narrowing.
  • In this context, in the FX market, the dollar weakened slightly against the euro, while making some gains against the yen, although BoJ Governor Ueda said that the central bank could raise interest rates in July depending on the economic data, reiterating his determination to raise borrowing costs.