Daily Report

21 de Setembro de 2022
Financial Markets | daily report 21.09.2022
  • Yesterday financial markets recorded a highly volatile session after Russia announced a plan to hold a referendum in the occupied regions in Ukraine this weekend. Investors also dialed up their expectations of tighter monetary policy from central banks, after the Swedish Riksbank surprised with a 100bp hike.
  • In Europe, Christine Lagarde said that if there is a risk of inflation expectations de-anchoring, the terminal rate for official interest rates could rise into the restrictive territory. In the US, today the Federal Reserve will probably hike interest rates by 75bp and release a more hawkish dot plot.
  • In this context, yields on sovereign bonds rose markedly in the euro area and to a lesser extent in the US and stock indices declined. In commodity markets, European gas prices rose while oil Brent prices declined amid concerns of lower global demand.