Daily Report

28 de Junho de 2024
Financial Markets | daily report 28.06.2024
  • Markets were mixed in yesterday's session as investors digested a raft of economic data, including the final revision of US Q1 GDP growth, which confirmed the economy grew at SAAR 1.4% qoq, but showed private consumption grew by less than first estimated. On the labor market, weekly initial jobless claims dropped.
  • In this context, euro area sovereign bond yields rose and peripheral spreads widened, while Treasury yields fell along the entire curve. Equities ended lower across the eurozone, except in Germany, and barely edged higher in the US. The euro appreciated against the US dollar, trading around $1,08.
  • Today's focus will be on June inflation data for France, Italy and Spain. Spanish CPI is expected to moderate from 3.6% yoy last month to 3.4%. In the US investors will be waiting for May's PCE deflator, expected at 2.6%, down from the previous month's 2.7%.