Daily Report

30 de Outubro de 2023
Financial Markets | daily report 30.10.2023
  • Volatility rose during the last session of the week amid heightened tensions in the Middle East, mixed corporate earnings, and expectations of the FOMC meeting later this week. Stocks fell across the globe, with US and European stock indices entering "correction" territory after falling 10% their most recent peak in July.
  • Elsewhere, sovereign bond markets behaved more calmly, with yields retreating modestly on both sides of the Atlantic, mostly in the short end of the curves. The US dollar was mainly flat leaving the euro around $1.057, and the price of a barrel of Brent rose above $90 once again.
  • This week, this focus will mainly be on the Federal Reserve meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, where markets are expecting interest rates to remain unchanged. In the euro area, investors will be attentive to October inflation data released for some countries including Spain (Monday), Germany (Monday), and euro area aggregate (Tuesday).