Investment is capitalInvestment is once again in focus. It is increasingly clear that rapid technological change and the emergence of new countries with the capacity to compete globally, especially China, will put economies that fail to update their productive fabric out of the game. What’s more, this is happening in a context of growing mistrust of multilateral institutions and, in general, between the different economic blocs. Even the relationship between the US and Europe, which seemed unbreakable a few years ago, is under suspicion. Donald Trump’s continuous warnings of a generalised increase in customs duties if he wins the election, are a clear early warning.
BANCO BPI, S.A., com sede na Avenida da Boavista, 1117, 4100-129 Porto; Capital Social: € 1 293 063 324,98; matriculada na CRC Porto sob o número de matrícula PTIRNMJ 501 214 534, como o número de identificação fiscal 501 214 534. Intermediário financeiro registado na CMVM com o n° 300 e no Banco de Portugal sob o código n° 10. Agente de Seguros n.º 419527591, registado junto da Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões em 21/01/2019, e autorizado a exercer atividade nos Ramos de Seguro Vida e Não Vida.