Daily Report

14 de Junho de 2024
Financial Markets | daily report 14.06.2024
  • Thursday's session saw a mixed performance across assets as investors grappled with a mixed bag of economic data and the latest Fed decision. In the US, Treasury yields were lower after the rise in initial jobless claims and the decline in the Producer Price Index raised investors' expectations of a Fed rate cut in September.
  • In the eurozone, while German government bond yields fell, peripheral spreads widened on French political risk.
  • European equity indices fell across the board, with financials suffering the most as investors digested the Fed's hawkish stance late on Wednesday. In the US, tech stocks pushed the main indices to record highs for the fourth day in a row.
  • In the FX market, the euro suffered from French political risk as well and depreciated against its major peers despite further hawkish comments from ECB officials. In commodities, European oil and gas benchmarks rose in choppy trading as investors struggled to reconcile rising supply forecasts with delayed Fed rate cuts.